New Year, New Cans!
2017 is now history. It was a good year and we worked hard to extend the knowledge about how to apply Segui il tuo ISTINTO.
We have done about 400 completely Free Masters at our dealers educating about 10 applicators per each training course.
With this initiative we tried to make a contribution to those who participated to raise their skills.
Now, about 4,000 participants in these events are ready to become CREATIVE PAINTERS.
At the end of 2017 we introduced Muro Naturale.
And now we are in 2018.
The first novelty of this year is the image of Segui il tuo Istinto and Spatula Stuhhi cans, that will line up with Muro Naturale as you can see from the picture above.
Spatula Stuhhi container will therefore change totally. During the first few months you will see all the formats of these products change towards this more captivating and modern image.
Of course we have a short video that shows this change.
Happy New 2018 to everyone.